Friday, May 31, 2013

i had a dream...about bobby

I  had a dream that someone set out to destroy the life of my friend , Bobby . Thing is , what he didn't realize was that Bobby had it all planned that , if this individual was successful , he was to murder him and go to jail and write a book about it . The book was to be called : "Bobby's Revenge " .

What Bobby should do is pay the milk man to screw him . It's perfectly legal , and it might even make a mini-series .

Thursday, May 30, 2013

alien we fucked over

I dreamed that someone came down from outer-space to put an end to hunger and war . Everything was going quite reasonably well until he mentioned something about the rich helping out the poor ; and then it all went to shit . You should have seen the poor fucker run  ; bottles of beer being thrown at his know ??? the whole nine yards .
Next seen , he was back on his planet . He opened up his mail and there he finds a bill for all the beer that was thrown at him . Then I woke up .

Selfish bastard ; I hope he paid for the beer .

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

the ocean

I dreamed that I swallowed the ocean up my ass . Immediately , God appeared and said : " how in the fuck did you do that " . I told him that there was something hidden up my sleeve . "And not only that" , I continued , "but every last mother fucker you ever created has something hidden up their sleeve...they just ain't telling you or any of your buddies ". God just smiled ; and began to reveal to me what was up His sleeve . As He did , I fell into a magical swamp , where time and space seemed to disappear up a sleeve of some sort of dragon or another . The dragon just smiled and said : " you ain't seen nothing yet , white boy" .

yea , dragon !!!  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

oh , those fucking crabs

I had a dream about this lady complimenting my poetry . As I was thanking her by complimenting her on her spacecraft , a thousand crabs began to laugh hysterically at me and began to snap their claws . I then proceeded to wrap up my written poems and dose  the paper with gasoline . I lit them up and threw the balls of fire at the crabs . They all burned to death .

fucking crabs !!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

the shark...

I dreamed that I was a shark , and all I wanted to do was eat the pussy of other sharks . Thing is , my teeth were too sharp so I couldn't do it . I died of a deep depression ; then I went straight to Hell for my sinful intent .

The life of a shark ; I don't know how they do it .

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I dreamed I was a cabbage , lying in the middle of a patch of carrots . They began to mock me , so I  prayed that God would kill them . Suddenly ,  a plethora of rabbits came by and ate every fucking one of them . I laughed so hard that I pissed myself until I flooded the entire world and everyone in it died . As for me , Noah came by in his arc and pulled me into his boat ; thus , saving my ass .

Boy , you are lucky . 


Saturday, May 25, 2013

american idol

I dreamed I was on American Idol . I was singing Grandma's Feather Bed , when suddenly my penis came out of my pants and began to make its way up into the audience . Once there , it began to wrap itself around all of the people and strangle them until their brains came out of their belly buttons . Thereupon their brains ran to the doors and left the building as quickly as possible .

Yea ; I have had that exact same dream . 

Friday, May 24, 2013

the hockey game

I dreamed that the world came to an end . Then , a giant appeared and peeled the skin off it like it was a banana . Then there was another world . But this one was just a little bit different . This time , the world was a hockey rink . There were two teams ; the south and the north . It would take years just to get the puck up the ice . But it didn't really matter because there was no net . They just skated around for eternity .

Indeed , do you sometimes feel like your life is like a shit sandwich...and they forgot the bread ???      

Thursday, May 23, 2013

king of the rats

i dreamed i was the king of the rats...and the rats worshiped me...then one day a rather large purple rat approached me and asked me what one plus one was...i did not know so i just said..."your mother is a whore"...apparently i was right which , of course...made the rats even more convinced i was god...all except for the one who i referred to as the offspring of a night while i was sleeping...he cut off my nuts and ran away into the distant cities .

yes , are afraid of being found out , eh ??? well , don't worry about it...truth be known...just about every fucking one of us is a fraud of one sort or another .

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

trolls and beatles

I dreamed I was naked in a field , and all these trolls were dancing around my body  , holding hands and singing "hey , jude" . Suddenly , their legs fell off and they all began to scream in agony . I woke up in a cold sweat .

Yea , once the aliens finally invade , you will feel much better .

the vampires

i dreamed two vampires were dancing under the light of the full had no pants on and it appeared that the other...the larger one...was  goosing her up her this was going on...the ground began to rumble...and hundreds of severed left hands began to appear out of the dirt .

trying to come to terms with your fallen nature ??? yup , that sounds about right .

Monday, May 20, 2013

the squirrel and his nuts

I dreamed I  was a squirrel in the tree , licking my walnuts . Suddenly the walnuts exploded and the next thing I know I was in a room in front of a judge . He accused me of wrongful behavior with my nuts , and sentenced my to a life time in jail .  When I got to jail , all the other squirrels made fun of me .

The judge represents inner-guilt . I think the rest is fairly obvious . Tell me about that vampire dream . Vampires are always a hoot .

Saturday, May 18, 2013

shit dream

I dreamed that shit was coming out of my ears and mouth . And every time I tried to stop it , my father would beat me over my head . Eventually I faded into the ground into nothing , as my father laughed  hysterically .

Did you really dream this ??? Wow , your father is a real shit !!! And find someone to help you with your self-esteem . 

Friday, May 17, 2013

touring in a car...

I dreamed that I was with a man touring through the streets of where I live , and the country side . He took me to another fellow to talk about purchasing some land . Then he told me that since he killed himself 18 months ago , everyone wanted to use his car . Then we went straight down a cliff , but there was no apparent danger . I also remember him talking about how he would never be associated with any kind or religion .

well , part of you you thought was dead is not...and it wants to lead you into various wants to command you...the fact that it is dead is not very encouraging...what kind of man was involved in the business deal ??? these two characters and what they mean to you , will revel essentially what is going on .

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I had this dream where I went fishing , and caught myself a trout . I took it off my hook and bashed its head against some rocks . But then , at the very second I placed him in my fishing box , I became completely aware that I was him .

in a real sense...everything around us is part of us...when we hate someone...we are bringing that back upon for the suspicion is that you are very hard on seems like a noble thing to be...but it is not...when we start fucking with ourselves...we inevitably begin to fuck up everything around take it easy...stu :)     

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

the box of critters

Last night I dreamed that I was at some type of house or another , and I found a box of insects on the floor . I then immediately got a friend to burn the entire place down . Much to my surprise , the owner of the place did not seem to mind .

maybe the owner should have seems to me that you are unhappy with the imperfections in your know , want to throw the baby out with the bathwater kind of thing...take care of yourself...and next time...hire someone to simply get rid of the bugs .  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

the clothing store dream

I dreamed that I was at a second hand clothing store . Then I heard this lady I know crying for help . ( She was someone who had completely let me down years before ). I wanted to help her , but I could not . So someone I did not know stepped out of the shadows and went to her aid .

it seems to me that you are attempting to get in touch with a part of yourself that has been taken away...i get the feeling that the lady was very significant...what part of you do you feel is missing ??? as for the clothes , i am relatively sure that they represent your past...and finally there is the did not know him...maybe  the part of you that offers help is unfamiliar to you as well .

Monday, May 13, 2013

may god be with you...

I dreamed that my baby boy came back from the dead . And he held me and said that this is for all the time I was not here .

you are trying to work out something very big...god bless you... : ) stu

Friday, May 10, 2013

pizza with my father...

I dreamed I was with my father in the kitchen. A pizza arrived at the door and I , and I went down the get it . When I got back upstairs , I noticed that my father had lost his mind and wanted to kill me . I took the pizza , did not pay him back the money I owed him , and left when he was not looking .

70 % of dreams , the characters represent part of yourself . Sounds to me like you are "beating up yourself" and attempting to nurture yourself at the same time . Point : stop being so hard on yourself !!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

mr. mouse

I dreamed I was on the veranda of the house where I grew up . There were mice underneath . I could see them through holes in the wood , but they could not see me . I decided not to kill them .

interesting...mice a relatively harmless and , not only had complete control...(of the ghosts of your past)...hummmm...your enemy is not as big as you think it is...but my guess is you need more communication...are the mice white ??? because that means they are even less harmless...your biggest enemy is yourself... :) stu


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

mr. shoe

I was in a classroom sitting and my shoe fell off . I realized that they didn't fit me : they were too big .

you obviously feel out of place where you are at...but just because you feel something does not make it true...confront yourself...are you afraid ??? (we are all afraid of something)...or is your subconscious mind telling you to get the fuck out ??? : ) stu  

i don't know the answer to that question...and i would not tell you if i did .

Tuesday, May 7, 2013 guy with parents...part 2

just looking at your dream again , and something else came to me...back to the letter...though not necessarily about does contain the theme of all things being revealed to you...which , of course , is a very positive thing...have a great day...send me another if you have one...stu :)

mr. guy with parents

I read a letter from my mother , and there seemed nothing special about it . But then I read it again and it said in the letter that she was going to divorce my Dad (.J.B.)  

interesting...let me preface by saying that 70 % of the time we dream , the characters represent parts of ourselves...having said that , i would say that the dream is suggesting that you should look twice at life decisions , as they may be more significant than you first for your parents , what do they mean to you ??? because whoever they are , it appears that those aspects of you are on "shaky ground".

yea , i don't think it is about an actual divorce .have a great day , stu

Sunday, May 5, 2013

the fish tank

I dreamed I was a fish in a fish tank. And the tank was surrounded by mirrors .  And every time I would swim around the  bottle , I would see myself . But it wasn't really myself . It was both my mother and myself at the same time . So I would try to strangle her . But my fins would just slide helplessly off the glass . 

Well , your mother obviously has some weird form of control over you  , and you feel helpless to deal with it . But I will tell you this : letting go and forgiving will do a lot more good than murder . For one thing , it is illegal . (Murder , that is ; not letting go and forgiving ).

Friday, May 3, 2013

new york city

I dreamed I was with a friend in New York City . He gave a lecture to a completely satisfied crowed .He was also pleased because every lecture in N.Y. goes "on record" . Next scene , a friend was on a roof , telling me that some particular individual would be a fantastic room mate , (opposed to me) . I told him , essentially , to "fuck off " . Next , there  was a flood - things got carried away...and that is about it .

I notice that your life , as depicted here , has everything in control or out of control . Time to let go and see what remains . What the flood takes away , you don't really need anyway .And  oh, yes...the approval you seem to be looking for (from the record keeping people)...let that go too...all bullshit , my friend .


I dreamed I was a gold fish , swimming around and around this tank . I kept on believing that some day I would be set free into the ocean , and that I would be some type of leader to all the other fish . And then it happened : I was taken and flushed down the toilet .

I think the dream is fairly obvious . Question : who flushed you ??? Because , whoever it was , good chance that there are some real issues with that individual , even if it turns out to be yourself .

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Heaven and Jesus

So last week I dream that I met Jesus at the gates of Heaven . He gives me a big stick , and tells me to hold it and that He would be right back . So there I am holding this stick and nobody comes back . I can hear Him on the other side of the door laughing at me with his buddies , but nobody comes to get me . Then me feelings get real hurt and I start beating myself with the stick . T .P .

Catholic , are we ??? Time to forgive and let go . The big stick thing is your father , not God . Remember , love never beats its children with a big stick , a small stick...or a stick of any kind , for that matter . Have a wonderful day . Stu . 

sex on the beach

I dreamed I was having sex with my wife on the beach . Suddenly , her body began to fade into the sand . Within a minute , I was screwing nothing . Then a howling wind began to blow the sand into the ocean . J . L .

weird , eh ??? it's like this...when we attempt to take control...we lose control...time , my let go and see what is actually authentic in that relationship...and with your other relationships as well .